
New cover book

Excited News!!! My ink drawing is the cover art for Lily Yulianti Farid's newest book, 'Ayahmu Bulan, Engkau Matahari', collection of short stories. You can find it at all Gramedia store in Indonesia or buy online here. 17 poetic short stories by Lily Yulianti Farid and 17 ink drawings by Me. Don't forget to share your photos if you buy the book, email me at or tag me on facebook/ twitter :D
More pictures here

Lily Yulianti Book launched at Rumata Art Space, Makasar, September 2, 2012. There were a few Indonesian famous people on the party. Amazing singer: Faldi 'padi', Talented actress: Lola Amaria, Best director: Riri Riza and Superwoman: Mira Lesmana. (Photos by Lily via instagram


3 notes:

1. Unknown said...

nan, kamar baru mu ta itu?

2. Sun said...

wow, you must be very buzzzy. NY bo, hits.

3. designani said...

ceshop: uhuuuyy...july mau pindah lagi...hahaha
sun: bussy buuzz....


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