
Self Portrait

Photographer by Mulyadi
Editing by designani
I will update my website soon

21 notes:

Unknown said...

Wow! your work looks amazing! Thank you for your lovely comment, you should check out my other blog too!

designani said...

thanks darll
Love ur bloogg

hiki said...

hi! thanks for your friendly visit and comment on my blog :)
These are great photos, they look as if just come out from a fashion magazine!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Awesome photos. That room looks magical.

jak said...

this is the coolest messy room i've ever watched lol great!!

Sarah said...

I LOVE YOUR ROOM! Reminds me of my old room in London. Ah... I miss the organized clutter. haha.


great pics and love your blog!

muchlove said...

Iya, aku juga di melbourne ^_^

P.S. Foto2nya bagus banget! You seem to be bursting with artistic talent.

Typhaine said...

Thank you so much ! Your blog seems to be really inspiring too. Need to see yeah.

designani said...

thannkkss for all lovelyy commeent

Anonymous said...

Wow, cute pictures! My self-portraits never come out that good, I guess I have to work on that.

Bella|Lea said...

This is so cool..!! youre amazing

Anonymous said...

hihihi it's great the stripes came out from the shadows of ur window. i thought it was stripes stocking, nan :D

Unknown said...

your blog header is so unbelievably adorable!

Unknown said...

Love these pics there great xoxox

Evie said...

gorgeous portraits! so colourful and fun. thanks for stopping by and saying hello too : )

i love it over here. your artwork is awesome. and your post are full of colour which makes me happy : )

Fine Little Day said...

Awesome selfportraits. This blog is becoming a favorite.

bellefantaisie said...

I love the image with the frame! x

missDTM said...

your room is amazing...everything i aspire to do!

designani said...

thanks darl

Phytagore said...

Your pictures are so funny ! They really make me laugh :)


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