
9 x 5 Illustrator Australia Exhibition

Nani Puspasari, The Dictator, acrylic on wood board, 23 x13 cm

Once again members of Illustrator Australia get together to exhibit an amazing array of unique and original works of art on 9X5 inch wood

Friday 9th November 2012 | 6pm-9pm
Space 39, Lvl 2, 39 Little Collins St, Melbourne
Includes Silent Auction of works starting at $195, Carnivale performances by Lana Sway andMagdalena Whirly Bird, drinks and nibbles.

Open Saturday 10th Nov & Sunday 11th Nov, 11am-3pm Exhibition open and illustrators selling their wares - perfect to pick up some unique christmas pressies!

Don't forget if you can't make it along you can view and bid online earlier here

4 notes:

1. jak said...

Wooo Nan..u r awesome!!!! u've been a famous artist now, keep it up!! And what's stuff in the last pic? An art book? how can i see it clearly?

2. designani said... jak, just ordinary girl....
yeah, u can see in my website for the detail

3. Unknown said...

oh how exciting xoxoxoox

4. Sarah said...

omg omg omg! You so deserve it! Your work is beautiful. I wish you could paint my wall!!


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