
The Morran Book Project

The Morran Book Project is now available. I have illustration included on page 113!
I am a huge fan of Swedish artist Camilla Engman and of course, her Danish-Swedish Farmdog, Morran. This little dog has entertained and amused so many people over the years, and most recently Camilla started a book project : THE MORRAN BOOK PROJECT with illustrators from around the world contributing portraits inspired by the dog. Morran had cancer and I found out about an hour ago that Morran passed away a few day ago. Sad.

Buy this book HERE
All profit will go to WSPA - World Society for the Protection of Animals - Sweden (WSPA international). The price for the book is US $34.95 for the softcover ($4 is going to WSPA and the rest is the price to Blurb for the book, they are printing and shipping it)

1 notes:

1. D. Isnaini Fadhilah said...

dear Nani,
U're great for having your artwork featured everywhere. I love how you put colors in your illustration. It's so unique so everyone can tell your artwork in just one sight. I always curious with the process behind your "finding in characteristic". I'm envyyy hehe


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