
Illustration for WDCA magazine

Illustration for WDCA magazine
My illustration for WeDontCareAbout Magazine (WDCA): a culture magazine with a conscience, placing today’s society in the spotlight. Join their facebook page for sneak peeks, updates, behind the scenes, and the highs and lows of putting a volunteer based magazine together. Don't forget to follow me on Twitter and Facebook for updates.
Illustration for WDCA magazine: step 1
Illustration for WDCA magazine: step 2
Illustration for WDCA magazine: details

2 notes:

1. Diah Ayu said...

So cool kaka .Kalau boleh tanya, itu pakai kertas apa ?

2. designani said...

Olla diah, thankies, itu pake art paper/ drawing paper yang ber-texture :D


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