
Neko Cafe, Nara

Neko (The Cat) Cafes is very popular in Japan. There's about 100 neko cafes can be found in Japan according to the nekocafe mapThe first cat cafe opened in Osaka in 2004. The concept is you paying money to hang out with cats ($10-15/hour) and you can ordering some drinks/snacks. I visited one in Nara, surprisingly they told us that they were fully booked. Recently, this neko cafe appeared on national television and they gets bombarded with visitors. My japanese friend told them that I'm a tourist, bla bla… and yay!!! the staff allowed us to sneak inside of the cafe. There are 19 cats residing at the cafe, they're everywhere; on the table, sleeps on the roof, two cats are scratching the furniture. The atmosphere is very calm and relaxing. I played with them for a while, I had so much fun! Awesome concept!! Photography by Nani P via instagram.

1 notes:

Sun said...

Nyaaan :3 ada Boneka jiji! lucu banget.


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