

To celebrate my Facebook reached 15,000 Likes (Thank you for the AWESOME support!!!), I'm giving away one Australian Icon iPhone4 case and a signed art print to two lucky readers!!!

Simply TweetFacebookPin this and Pin thatInstagram it, and don't forget to leave a comment below (Name. country and email) so I can track you easily.

This giveaway is eligible WORLDWIDE! and ends Thursday November 1st, 2012 @1pm (Australia Time). Good luck to everyone who enters and winners will be announced shortly (via Facebook) after that so stay tuned.

Giveaway winners: Wini (Australian icon iphone4 case) and Lisa (art print). Congratulation, guys and Thanks to everyone for entering the giveaway :D

33 notes:

1. ERIKA MEDINAH said...

i love your art works Nani !! you are such an inspiration for me and for my study

2. Grecia Natalie Lim said...

GO NANI :) You're such a creative person. I'm a Design student too, and I'm really inspired by you..

Grecia Natalie Lim

Hv a great day ! :)

3. Unknown said...

Waah.. keren ilustrasinya, selalu menginspirasi :D

4. Unknown said...

Waah.. kereenn, ilustrasinya selalu menginspirasi nih mba'2 satu ini :D

5. glam the glory said...

inspiring art piece you've made should be carry in everyday life..i love kangarooo

6. ujep said...

Your design is so unique and so YOU! I really love your work since we were at Petra.

Btw join kontesnya jg aaah: Ujep, Indonesia,

Always success and Gbu Nan!

7. ujep said...

Your design is so unique and so YOU! I really love your artwork since we were at Petra.

Btw join kontesnya ah: Ujep Indonesia,

always success and Gbu Nan!

8. ujep said...

Your design is so unique and so YOU! I really love your artwork since we were at Petra.

Btw join kontesnya ah: Ujep Indonesia,

always success and Gbu Nan!

9. ujep said...

Your design is so unique and so YOU! I really love your artwork since we were at Petra.

Btw join kontesnya ah: Ujep Indonesia,

always success and Gbu Nan!

10. ujep said...

Your design is so unique and so YOU! I really love your artwork since we were at Petra.

Btw join kontesnya ah: Ujep Indonesia,

always success and Gbu Nan!

11. ujep said...

Your design is so unique and so YOU! I really love your artwork since we were at Petra.

Btw join kontesnya ah: Ujep Indonesia,

always success and Gbu Nan!

12. ujep said...

Your design is so unique and so YOU! I really love your artwork since we were at Petra.

Btw join kontesnya ah: Ujep Indonesia,

always success and Gbu Nan!

13. ujep said...

Your design is so unique and so YOU! I really love your artwork since we were at Petra.

Btw join kontesnya ah: Ujep Indonesia,

always success and Gbu Nan!

14. ujep said...

Your design is so unique and so YOU! I really love your artwork since we were at Petra.

Btw join kontesnya ah: Ujep Indonesia,

always success and Gbu Nan!

15. ujep said...

Your design is so unique and so YOU! I really love your artwork since we were at Petra.

Btw join kontesnya ah: Ujep Indonesia,

always success and Gbu Nan!

16. onetravelingdress said...

love you nani.
My name is Mao
I live in Japan....for now.
My email is

17. Anastasia NS said...

for our friendship sake nan mwahahaha

18. Linda said...

Always love your works, so inspiring, love the colors and the technique♥

Entering the giveaway!

Name : Linda
Country : Indonesia
E-mail :

Thank you!

19. Anonymous said...

Devina Febriyani Budi

20. Hafid said...

all about your work, your movement in artwork, graphic design until the last one is watercolor illustration. you are always inspired me!!! :D

21. Hafiedz Blackheart said...

all about your work, your movement in artwork, graphic design until the last one is watercolor illustration. you are always inspired me!!! :D

22. Hafiedz Blackheart said...

all about your work, your movement in artwork, graphic design until the last one is watercolor illustration. you are always inspired me!!! :D

23. Hafiedz Blackheart said...

all about your work, your movement in artwork, graphic design until the last one is watercolor illustration. you are always inspired me!!! :D

24. Hafiedz Blackheart said...

all about your work, your movement in artwork, graphic design until the last one is watercolor illustration. you are always inspired me!!! :D

25. Hafiedz Blackheart said...

all about your work, your movement in artwork, graphic design until the last one is watercolor illustration. you are always inspired me!!! :D

26. Hafiedz Blackheart said...

all about your work, your movement in artwork, graphic design until the last one is watercolor illustration. you are always inspired me!!! :D

27. stephanie lauw said...

love your design!:D

stephanie lauw

28. Wini said...

What a fun Australiana inspired design! Great work. Thanks for the giveaway. I have pinned it on pinterest. Wini xo

29. Unknown said...

It's so cute ! thanks you :D

My ID twitter : HitomiRsmile
& Pintereste : Lisa Benhaïm
email ;

30. Vivi Rans said...

Vivi Rans



31. ch said...

Aku mawuuuu!!! pinned! :D

32. Anonymous said...

Awesome!!!! n I LOVE IT!

Name: Tee Ying Jie
Country: Malaysia
Email / FB :

33. Anonymous said...

Awesome!!!! n I LOVE IT!

Name: Tee Ying Jie
Country: Malaysia
Email / FB :


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