
Kaboom Ink

Kaboom Ink. Personal project by Tuan Nguyen.
This book travels from one artist to the next (those that signed up for this project) to complete the 100 pages with traditional drawing/illustration skills. Each artists get 4 pages, using traditional media ink pen to draw/sketch under the theme "Childhood".

10 notes:

1. lidia puspita dulam said...

wowwwwww... i love your style.. so inspiring.. hihi :-D

2. Resatio Adi Putra said...

since your works are all awesome, i link you on my blog :D
would you mind?
thank you

3. Ewie said...

This project is a good idea!!! And your work still amazing!!!

4. Tatiana Romanova Surya said...

oh my...your works are AWESOME!!!!!!
truly jealous and adoring your drawings!!!

-a new fan of yours-


5. Wini said...

Wow, love your drawings, they are fantastic!!! Wini :)

6. gd said...

let's follow each other blog. Your drawings amazing, n you were born in Indo aite? Cuz i'm living there ahahaha anyway i put your link too in my blog if u dont mind, cuz your works great... XOs

7. designani said...

Thanks darl, I am on the way to your blog now..=D

8. Eva said...

Love the idea of that project. Nice illustrations!

9. Unknown said...

lindo lindo

10. Anonymous said...

You are a tireless artist and I love your work! Bravo!!!


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