

via lookbook | wardrobe via vintagenani

12 notes:

1. hafiz akhbar said...

omfg !!! kak i'm huge huge huge fans of you and your artwork !!! kind a surprised when you leaved a comment in my blog. since the first time i saw your blog, i spent my Saturday night stalking your blog, sorry for being so creepy, someday i want to be just like you :D

2. designani said...

hi hafiz,what a lovely comment
thanks for stalking my blog,
that's the best part I ever heard...hahahhaa
no worries, u're a fashionable and creative person, salam kenal yah...=D

3. Lola said...

I absolute love your Headliner!!!
and your outfit of course!!!

rtf :)

4. SnOOp said...

I love your work so much. I hope you don't mind but I have posted you on my blog to introduce you to my fellow blog folk.... Come and check you out xxx

5. Anonymous said...

Amazing skirt!

6. Wendy said...

I really like the colorful patterns on your skirt- so cool.

7. hafiz akhbar said...

aaaaah... thank you so much kak !!! i'm your number one stalker hahaha... nice to know you too kak :D

8. Dylana Suarez said...

Gorgeous! That skirt is beautiful!

9. ~kristie~ said...

love all the colors!

hope you can stop by and follow,

10. AVY said...

Colors, great!

11. designani said...


12. Toothfairy said...

first time here, but I love this! super cute!



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