
Oh,My Deer

I still have a hundred of new illustrations. Keep update ^_^
{Title} Oh, My Deer, Color pen on Paper, 20 cm x 25 cm.

{Title} MailMeArt, Color pen on Paper.
Commission for MailMeArt Project

8 notes:

1. Martta said...

Love the embroidery effects!

2. designani said...

Thanks, that real embroidery....^_^

3. Martta said...

Oh sorry I worded my first comment wrong. I meant that the embroidery makes a great effect!
Have a good weekend!

4. designani said...

No problemo...
I am happy u spent time to visit my quiet blog...

Happy Weekend, dear

5. designani said...

No problemo...
I am happy u spent time to visit my quiet blog...

Happy Weekend, dear

6. Claquettes said...

Hello I like your blog and it was to know if you would indeed like to make party of my members!
You to just man has to click the link thank you for making a tour!

sory my English is very not good ^^

7. pupu said...

i really like the email me art project of yours!!!! so creative and beautiful nani. i can't help looking around ur blog. im addicted to your blog. ^^*

8. ch said...

Naniiiiiii bagus banget gw sampe sebel liatnya XD


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