
Fashion Summer

The collection of my fashion styles 2009 - 2010
more photos // weardrobe by vintagenani & private collection //

7 notes:

Lightning Heart said...

ooh, i love it all!

designani said...


Manish said...

Hey that is a very nice collection you have got. The short skirts are very nice and comfortable for wearing in summer.

Brenda said...


I really like your blog...
i also have a blog but i only write stories... hehehe
my page is:

hope to see u soon in Amsterdam!

Anonymous said...

Just arrived on your blog! Really amazing!
would you like to come and see my blog ?
Have a wonderful day!
A kiss from ITALY!!

m.fay said...

Love, love, LOVE. Great post!
Happy to find your blog.
Please stop by and say hi. xo

M.M.E. said...

I really like the skirt in the first photograph!


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