Jompet, War of Java, Do You Remember? #3, 2008, electronic installation, 2 fake rifles, 4 drums, 4 lights, 6 pairs of boots, 6 hats and 2 fags, 300x400x300 cm
January 20 until March 18 2011,
MIFA, Level 1, 278 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC
Artists: Angki Purbandono, Ay Tjoe Christine, Budi Ubrux, Eko Nugroho, Entang Wiharso, F.X. Harsono, Gusti Agung Mangu Putra, Haris Purnomo, I Gusti Ngurah Udiantara, Jompet Kuswidananto, Maria Indria Sari, Prilla Tania, Soni Irawan, Samsul Arifin, Sigit Santoso, Tromarama, Ugo Untoro, Ugy Sugiarto, Yudi Sulistyo. MiFA presents Australia’s first commercial showcase of contemporary Indonesian art. Bringing together some of Indonesia’s most compelling established and emerging contemporary artists, the exhibition aims to “close the gap” on the cultural divide between Australia and it’s closest neighbour. I was amazed. It just goes to show what an incredible creators they all are, various materials used to create art. Eko Nughroho is always my favourite indonesian artist ever. In this year, He will exhibit his amazing work in Italy, Germany and France. WOOOW. The artists are generously supported by Garuda Airlines. Do not miss this exhibition. All photograph taken by Nani P.
Gallery space

Eko Nugroho, Dua Petualang Berbulu, 2010, installation, hardboard and embroidery, 300x600 cm
F.X.Harsono, Memory of a Name - Rewriting the Erased Name no.6, 2010, acrylic on canvas, 100x270 cm
Samsul Arifin, You Can See (Black), 2010, fabric and dacron, 175 cm
Samsul Arifin, You Can See (White), 2010, fabric and dacron, 175 cm
Entang Wiharso, Undeclared Skin, 2010, alumunium & brass cat, 200x600 cm

Haris Purnomo, The Pink Dot, 2010, acrylic on canvas, 200x150 cm
Gusti Agung Mangu Putra, Out of Control, 2010, acrylic on canvas, 190x190 cm
Yudi Sulistyo, Memory WWI, 2010, pvc pipe and cardboard pulp, 270x135x210 cm

Budi Ubrux, Stock Market, 2010, acrylic on canvas, 150x200 cm
2 notes:
I love this :D :D War of Java, Do You Remember? Dreamy and spiritual and surreal XD The ghost band!!
He is amazing artist...
his work was ideas who's the buyer? hehehheee
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