
Nani Tag, Label & Stamp

I am ready to hop on to my little shop this year
New illustrations, prints and customizes in my Ollanani shop
New vintage shoes, accessories and dresses in my Vintagenani shop

7 notes:

1. hafiz akhbar said...

love your new header kak, lovely !!! anyway good luck on your new shop :D

2. designani said...

Thankies hafiz =D

3. jak said...

hey Nan...the silhouette really represent you! cool!!!

and what store?

4. angsiaufang said...

hahahaha.. so cute nan...... :)))

5. ch said...

iiiiiiih lucu banget Nan!!! :D

6. Emma Lavelle said...

Oh i love these!


7. Meechan said...

keren nan!
uapiiik tenan


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