
Vote Design Awards 2010

Help. Vote for my Illustration to win Kit Design Awards 2010.
And win some goodies from Frankie Magazine. VOTE HERE.

My Original Illustration
{Title} Hidden Cat, Color Pen on Paper, 20 x 25 cm
A series of two portraits connected by patterns. This image is based on one of my childhood memories; my father kicked out my cat when I was a kid and this picture allows me to go back in time and hide her under my pillow, away from my father.

9 notes:

1. jak said...

Yang milih cuma yang tinggal di Oz apa New Zealand ya? Aku ga bisa milih, too bad =(

Well, gr8 luck Nan! Wait for the good news =)

2. designani said...

Thankyoooooooou atas supportnyyaaaa, jak

3. designani said...

Thankyoooooooou atas supportnyyaaaa, jak

4. Hanna Kart said...

wow great design love it much. Oh.. I cannot choose because I live in indonesia. But that's a really great design I believe that's you will be a winner.
good luck ya :)

5. Wini said...

Hi Nani, I love your great design and I've voted for you. Good luck..!! :)))

6. Melissa said...

Nice design
I saw this on the kit site and voted for it
I hope you win

7. Unknown said...

love your design :)

8. Paula said...

here is so many inspirations!

have a nice time,

9. Sandra Eterovic said...

Hello Nani! Your illustration is BEAUTIFUL. You deserve to win! Lovely to meet you.


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